Our Mission

To provide employment, programming, and community to adults with neuro and physical diverse abilities.

  • Tikkun Olam

    (Repairing the World) We strive to make the world a better place through compassionate action and thoughtful speech.

  • Shomrei Adamah

    (Stewards of the Earth) We are committed to sustainable practices, with the understanding that we are responsible for the health and well being of our planet.

  • Kehillah

    (Community) We offer a space that fosters inclusivity, belonging, support, joy, and love. EveryBODY is welcome.

Our Story

Shemesh Farms began in 2013 at Shalom Institute in Malibu, California with a vision of creating a social enterprise that would provide meaningful employment and community to adults with diverse abilities.

Over the years, Shemesh has grown and thrived. Farm Fellows, volunteers, and staff harvest and handcraft our herb blends, jar our honey, and other organic products. Our farm and enterprise are built upon a foundation of sustainability, inclusion, and interconnectedness.

When you make a purchase or a donation, you help us continue to hire Farm Fellows, provide programming, support our commitment to sustainable and just practices, and expand our reach and impact through intentional partnerships with the local Malibu and greater Los Angeles communities.

Who We Serve

In the beginning, our program was created for young adults (mostly, 22 years of age, or around that), as that is the age when people tap out of the education system. As Farm Fellows have grown and stayed with Shemesh, and as new Farm Fellows have joined us (and the various partner programs we work with), our age range has increased. We currently host Farm Fellows between the ages of 18-55.

Many of our Farm Fellows attend Shemesh as part of other day programs. Farm Fellows who attend Shemesh independently (with coaches) have come to us after they have moved into self-determination after having been in one of the above listed programs, hear about us through different media pieces (magazine and newspaper articles, podcasts), or hear about us via word-of-mouth.



Providing our Farm Fellows with valuable life and job skills in an environment that allows them to thrive at their own pace.



Empowering minds to create our products with attention to best practices and care.



Connecting with the greater community through experiential farm tours, workshops, service days, special events, and product sales.